FCC Field Office Reductions Announced

Posted on July 30th, 2015 by

After some significant pushback from members of Congress and many broadcasters, the FCC recently announced a reduced number of field office closures than it had initially proposed. According to a July 16th FCC news release, it will continue to operate field offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Columbia (Md.), Dallas, Denver, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Miami, New […]

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FCC Proposes Rules For Channel Sharing Outside the Incentive Auction

Posted on July 30th, 2015 by

Yes, you read that headline correctly. When the FCC released its order on reconsideration addressing channel sharing issues in connection with the TV incentive auction, it simultaneously launched a separate rulemaking proposing rules that would allow full power and Class A TV stations to channel share outside of the incentive auction context. How interesting is […]

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Commercial Station Biennial Ownership Reporting This Fall

Posted on July 30th, 2015 by

Every two years, the FCC requires all commercial broadcast stations (and companies that hold attributable ownership interests) to file biennial ownership reports so the FCC can keep track of who owns and controls broadcast stations. The reporting obligation occurs in odd years, which means commercial broadcast stations need to make sure this is on their […]

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New Levels of Scrutiny

Posted on July 30th, 2015 by

We’ve noted a new level of scrutiny by the FCC on license or permit assignment applications – enough of an uptick to write about it here. We aren’t exactly sure what’s behind this new “hyper-scrutiny” but we are certain that it has added days (and sometimes weeks) to the FCC’s review and approval process. Many […]

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Dates To Remember

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by

June 29, 2015: upfront payments for Auction 98 due. July 9, 2015: Form 2100 Schedule 381 due for all full power and Class A digital television stations. July 10, 2015: TV, Class A TV, AM & FM Stations (Commercial and NCE): complete 2nd quarter 2015 issues/program lists and place in your public file (online for […]

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Another Random EEO Audit

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by

Yes, it’s true. Another 100 or so broadcast stations have just been randomly selected by the FCC for audits of the EEO program. The FCC’s public notice lists the stations chosen and a deadline of July 27, 2015 to respond. This round of audits is the second in 2015, but this time, it only includes […]

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A Fix for Nationwide Emergency Alerts

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by

After conducting extensive investigations into the less than stellar results of the national Emergency Alert System test of 2011, the Commission has now adopted a new set of requirements designed to fix the problems that were identified in that test and to improve the overall national EAS testing system. The good news is that the […]

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Commercial FM Auction 98 Fast Approaching

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by

The FCC’s Auction 98, featuring 131 commercial FM permits, is right around the corner. Upfront payments for the auction were due by June 29, 2015, and those who paid up will be eligible to participate. The Auction itself will begin July 23, 2015, but a mock auction will be available on July 20. For a […]

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FCC Wins TV Incentive Auction Litigation, Issues Flurry of Decisions

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by

You’ve seen the headlines. The last 30 days has been a whirlwind of news and developments for the TV Incentive Auction. First, the DC Circuit ruled in favor of the FCC in the litigation brought by NAB and Sinclair over the methodology for calculating coverage areas. That prompted a statement from FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler, […]

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Warning To Registered Tower Owners

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by

In an unusual move, the FCC’s Wireless Bureau has issued a public notice warning registered tower owners of their ongoing responsibility to comply with the FCC’s antenna structure registration rules. Apparently, the Bureau staff has done a little digging and located multiple instances in the ASR database where tower owners have not obtained FAA “no […]

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