New CORES Two-Step Verification Process Announced
Posted on March 28th, 2024 by adminThe FCC is getting into the two-step authentication process when it comes to its payment systems. Per a public notice detailing the new authentication processes, the FCC’s Office of Managing Director announced that beginning tomorrow, March 29, 2024, logging in to the FCC’s Commission Registration System (CORES) will require a two-step authentication using a code sent to the related email of the CORES user who is logging in.
Broadcasters will be familiar with CORES as the site where new FCC Registration numbers are obtained, or where existing FRNs can be updated or associated with CORES usernames. CORES is also necessary for paying any fee to the FCC, including application and regulatory fees. During the login process, the system will prompt the user to request a 6-digit code, which will then be sent to each email address associated with the CORES username (a primary and secondary email address are allowed). CORES users may want to confirm that they have access to the email address associated with their username in order to retrieve the verification code.
The FCC’s LMS site login page now has a new highlighted ribbon warning of the new procedure that reads: Beginning March 29, 2024, 2-step authentication will be mandatory to login to the FCC’S Commission Registration System (CORES) and its associated FCC User Registration System. Paying application fees, requesting an FCC Registration Number (FRN) or updating an FRN Password require accessing FCC CORES with a Username Account. Please ensure your FCC Username Account is up to date and that you have access to the corresponding e-mail inbox.