FCC Application Fees Increasing

Posted on December 30th, 2022 by

By law, the FCC must adjust all of its filing fees every two years based upon increases in the Consumer Price Index.  A December 16, 2022 Order announces the latest round of increases, which average out to about an 11.6% increase in fees across the board.

For example, ownership reports due next December 1, 2023 will cost $95 per station, a $10 increase.  License assignment or transfer of control applications jumped from $1245 to $1390 per station, while minor modification applications for TV, AM stations, FM stations, and FM translator stations moved up to $1490, $720, $1410 and $235 respectively.

The increased filing fee amounts are not in effect immediately, but after publication in the Federal Register for 60 days, the Order will then become effective.  We estimate the effective date to be around the end of February or in early March 2023.  So, if you were planning on filing an application to modify your station’s facilities, you can save a few dollars by filing early in the year.